About Us
We are the Steering Group who formed to oversee the writing of the management plan. We are a consortium of organisations lead by the Avon Frome Partnership working together to produce a CMP for the whole area.
Our aim is…..
“to develop a collaborative plan to deliver a healthy, functioning, river environment across the catchment”
We have a set of Terms of Reference to which to Steering Group has agreed to work to, if you would like to see these please click on the link below.
Minutes from Steering Group Meetings
Date | PDF File |
05/12/11 | BARCmp_minute 5 Dec 2011.pdf (90,2 kB) |
09/02/12 | BARCmp_minute 9th Feb 2012.pdf (169,5 kB) |
05/04/12 | BARCmp_minute 5th April 2012.pdf (78,2 kB) |
12/05/12 | BARCmp_minutesmay12.pdf (122,4 kB) |
07/06/12 | BARCmp_minute_june7.pdf (26,5 kB) |
05/07/12 | BARCmp_minutes_july5.pdf (206,5 kB) |
15/08/12 | BARCmp_minute15thAug.pdf (106,2 kB) |
06/09/12 | BARCmp_minute 6th Sept 2012.pdf (180,3 kB) |
04/10/12 | BARCmp_minutes_4thOct 2012.pdf (147,8 kB) |
01/11/12 | BARCmp_Minutes_1stNov 2012.pdf (153,4 kB) |
06/12/12 |